Hello, I'm John Magnus Robertson.

Edinburgh based web developer.

View my projects


I am a General Assembly software engineer graduate currently using my problem solving and development skills to build full-stack web applications. Previously, I was a performance marketing manager where I used my analytical and numerical skills to increase profits for my clients. I’m seeking a full-stack web developer role at an Edinburgh-based company, where I can learn and grow within an experienced and passionate team.

General Assembly

Software Engineering Immersive Student

Dec 2019 - Mar 2020

Full-time immersive student in the Software Engineering program that included over 400 hours of professional training over twelve weeks. Grew my practical knowledge in front and back-end development while making engaging applications as an individual or collaboration. Developed a portfolio of individually-and-collaboratively-focused projects.

















Visual Studio



Screenshot of Skarpa Project Management Tool

Full-stack project management app for teams to manage boards and tasks, built with Django and Python in 7 days. Skarpa uses React in the Front-End and Python and Django in the back-end with a SQL database and Django REST framework. Seven models there used in the back-end that stored: users, projects, comments, tasks, task status, task comments & task history. Front-end uses on-blur HTTP requests to give the back-end the most up-to-date version of what the user has typed.


Screenshot of Beehive - The creative connect network

Full-stack MERN app for creatives to connect with each other, built in 7 days. Four person team created the app, managing all tasks using Trello. I created all testing with Mocha and Chai which found issues with our error handling and user authentication of commenting. I created the back-end commenting model that meant users could create, edit and delete comments on their projects. I was responsible for all forms, chatting components and searching capabilities using a customisable Bulma color schema, custom react-select and advanced filtering options.


Screenshot of Battleship Game

Vanilla JavaScript version of Battleship where a user plays against a computer AI. Built over a 9-day period. Used methods within an object to create working AI that mimics how a player would play the game.

//TODO Quiz

Screenshot of Todo Quiz - quiz of computer questions

Built using React in 48 hours. Pair programming was used where one person typed. Integrated four APIs into the app: Open Trivia Database API, Number Face API, Programming Quote API & Joke API.


PPC Manager

Decision Tech

Apr 2018 – Nov 2019

DoubleClick Search Account Manager


Sept 2017 – April 2018

Senior Analyst


Jun 2016 – Sept 2017


Ice hockey

In 2018, I set two new year's resolutions, one was to play ice hockey. By April, I was playing ice hockey for a team, having learned to skate the previous year. It has helped me focus on evaluating my performance, so I know which areas I need to improve.

Comedy Performing

My other new year's resolution was to perform stand up comedy, which I now do regularly. This has helped me to accept that not everything will work out but that you need to try or you’ll never know.